What Do Koi Fish Eat? A Smorgasbord of Food.

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what do koi fish eat

Koi fish are not picky eaters, so it is important to give them a wide variety of foods. But what do koi fish eat?

They will eat almost anything you toss into their water. This may seem daunting but never fear. Just use the fact that koi will eat almost anything and give them healthy foods to eat so they can chomp away!

Koi are born omnivorous eaters. They eat plants and meat. Almost like a human diet, you need to feed them the proper amount and variety of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in the proper dosage for maximum health. Protein 30 – 40 Percent, carbohydrates 60 – 70 percent, fats (lipids and oils) 3-10 percent, fiber 2-3 percent, depending on fall, winter, and summer.

The dosage is not exact for each type of food to feed koi, but you should feed at least the recommended amounts of a wide variety of foods to keep them healthy. It is best to use a daily diet of koi pellets and sticks that are made specifically for koi and then add some treats to their diet.

Let me begin from the moment they are born with what to feed you koi fish.

What to Feed Baby Koi

  • Daphnia -frozen, cubes, or live
  • Krill – powdered or freeze-dried
  • Fry Food – liquid or powdered
  • Brine Shrimp Eggs or freshly hatched- can be frozen
  • Egg Yolk Slurry – made with hard-boiled eggs
  • Fish Formula Flake Food
  • Adult Koi Pellets – you have to powder them in a blender for baby koi
  • Baby Koi Pellets

When koi are first born they are called, ‘fry’ or ‘small fry’. During the first 24 hours – 2 days koi live off their own yolk sac that they are covered in. After 24 hours you can start feeding them.

After the first two days, it is best to feed them Daphnia, liquid food, or powdered dry food. After their yolk sac is gone you need a variety of foods on hand to make sure they get a lot of protein. After one month you can feed your koi fry pellets or adult food.

In the initial feeding stages, it is important to feed the baby koi often during the day and make sure they are eating what food they are given. This is to ensure they are getting enough to eat, and the water isn’t getting contaminated from uneaten food.

You should test the water often for ammonia and nitrates. You should also check the water to make sure there is enough oxygen content.

It is important to make sure the koi pond is aerated and oxygenated, and make sure there are not any water currents so strong that the baby koi are driven into the sides of the pond or into the filtration system.

Baby fry koi food can be divided into three categories:

Living Foods

Daphnia that you can buy or raise yourself.

Brine shrimp that you can buy or raise and hatch yourself.

Commercial Food

There are plenty of high-protein fish foods made for baby fish that you can buy or even food made especially for baby koi.

People Food

Mainly hardboiled eggs that are blended with water to make a liquid or liquid-like paste.

First-Month Feeding Schedule

During your koi’s first month, you want to feed them about 5 times per day to ensure the food is not wasted or contaminating the water. Try to feed them no more than they can eat in five minutes and you should be fine. It is easiest to start with liquid fry food that you can purchase online or at your local pet store. Put a small amount of food into the water a little at a time and make sure they are eating it.

Any liquid food you put in will dissolve into the water and will be available for them later. After a couple of days, you can slowly start adding brine shrimp to their diet.

Their mouths are very small when they are first born so this is the purpose of the liquid or powdered foods. Any brine shrimp you feed them will be newly hatched so they will be small enough to fit into the koi’s mouth.

Live daphnia is one of the best foods you could feed your baby koi. They are tiny crustaceans that can be purchased from a pet shop or your local koi dealer. You can also purchase a starter culture so that you can breed your own live daphnia.

After a few days, you can add some egg yolk slurry to the liquid fry food and brine shrimp. To make the egg slurry, simply mash some hard-boiled eggs and slowly mix water into the eggs until they are like a liquid or really fine paste. You want to be able to squirt the yolk slurry through something the size of a turkey baster.

Do this for a couple more days and after a week, you can start adding some powdered foods to their diet. Rotate putting a little bit of the different foods into the water at feeding time and make sure they are consuming the little amounts of food before you put more food in the water.

During the second week, you can start adding koi pellets or daphnia. Make sure anything you add has been blended into a powder.

You will need your own blender dedicated to your koi fish so that you don’t get any contaminants into your fishpond.

After a couple of weeks, you can stop feeding the liquid foods and start feeding your koi things like ground krill or normal fish flake food (as long as it is ground into a powder).

After a month, you should be able to turn on your filter. Make sure the water current is on the lowest setting until your koi become stronger, so they don’t get sucked into your filter.

Second-Month Feeding Schedule

You’re still feeding your koi at least four times a day so you can give them enough food without contaminating your koi pond. Remember to feed them no more than they can eat in five minutes.

Here are some good foods to feed them during the second month:

  • Baby koi pellets that sink should be fed once daily.
  • Frozen daphnia – small enough chunks or powder so it fits in their mouth. Just experiment with some chunks. After you know it is small enough that they can eat it with their tiny mouths, you can throw more in.
  • Powdered Fry Food
  • Frozen brine shrimp – torn into small pieces

Third-Month Feeding Schedule

Slowly decrease the number of feeding times to three per day making sure to not feed them more than they can eat in five minutes.

what food to feed koi fish

You can feed them:

  • Baby Koi Pellets
  • Adult Koi Pellets – powdered
  • Fish Flake Food – may need to be powdered if the flakes are too big. Experiment by tossing a tiny bit in to see if they eat it. If they don’t, grind it, or mash it.

What Do Adult Koi Eat?

Always make sure when you feed your koi, they are eating the food. Even the smallest koi fish in your pond should be eating the food. They have small mouths, so this is very important.

Koi are omnivorous. They eat both meat and plants. Koi ponds usually don’t have many, if any, plants so it is important to make sure they get the proper nutrients from the food that you feed them.

When koi are adults it is easier to feed them a wide variety of commercial foods. The most important ingredient in these foods is protein. Koi fish need protein for tissue growth and repair.

Koi fish don’t store protein. Any excess protein is pooped out as ammonia. This is why it is so important to feed no more than they can eat in five minutes to prevent a buildup of toxins like ammonia in the water.

Koi fish do not have stomachs to store food. They are constantly eating small amounts of food and are constantly looking for food to munch on. This is why you have to feed them several times a day.

Not to keep repeating but in a koi pond, there is not as much natural food so when you toss some food in their pond they will eat a lot as fast as they can.

Correct Food Ratios For Koi

This is not an exact science so I am going to make it easy for you:

Protein30-36%25 %
Carbohydrates60-70 %60-70 %
Fats, Lipids3-5 %5-10 %
Fiber5 %5 %

Before we get too deep into what to feed your koi, we need to talk about the correct food ratios. This doesn’t have to be perfect but as stated many times, your koi need a lot of proteins. Be aware of the ingredients and try to keep the ratios as close as possible to what the table above states.

Food to give your koi will fall into 3 main groups – proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Vitamins and minerals should be in the foods contained in these three groups.


Protein is by far the most important ingredient in koi food since it is used for muscle and tissue repair, growth, and maintenance. Protein is the main ingredient in commercial koi food, but you still need to read the label and make sure the food is close to 40 percent protein.

Protein is mainly pooped out as ammonia by fish so we cannot mention enough how important it is to not overfeed your koi, so your pond doesn’t become contaminated. If your pond becomes unclean it will stress your koi and even harm their color.

Some of the animal proteins are fish, poultry, beef, butter, or cheeses. These foods are better diced into small chunks or blended so the koi can fit them in their mouths.

You can tie pieces of bacon and hang them down into the water for your koi to nibble on. They are a good source of fat which helps move nutrients through your koi’s body.


Also known as fatty acids or lipids, fats are important for energy and to help move vitamins through the koi’s body. These are usually included in the feed. If your koi aren’t getting enough fat they will let you know with stunted growth, fins eroding, liver, and heart problems.

Your koi diet should be 3 – 10 percent fats.


Also, a source of energy, they are a good source of fiber and are mainly in fruits and vegetables. Some are used for energy and some are used to produce ‘non-essential’ fatty acids. Wheat, millet, corn, soybeans, rose hips, bread, or any type of cereal are good carbohydrates.

Although not quite as important as protein, carbs should make up most of your koi’s diet at 60–70 percent depending on the time of year.

Vitamins and Minerals

Koi need vitamins and minerals just like we do. They should get these naturally if you have a good variety in your diet. They are also included in manufactured commercial food.

What Exactly Do I Feed My Adult Koi?

This may sound weird, but since koi are omnivorous, they will probably eat anything that we will. That doesn’t mean that they should.

Food from Your Own Meals

Yes, you can actually feed koi fish your leftovers, as long as you have a healthy diet. If your diet is keeping you healthy then it will surely keep your koi healthy. Remember protein must be first and put it in a blender.

I would not recommend feeding your koi a daily diet of koi pellets or sticks and feeding human foods as treats to make sure you are getting the correct ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. However, you can feed them human food once or twice a week to keep a great variety of foods in your koi’s diet. Remember, variety is important.

Commercial Koi Foods

Koi have been around for so long that it is easy to get commercial foods that are completely healthy for them to eat. You can get small pellets/tablets for baby koi, or large pellets/cubes for adult koi. You can also get sticks or flakes.

These commercial foods range from foods that float, sink fast or sink slowly. If you are worried about what to feed your koi, there is no shortage of commercial food out there.

Make sure to read the labels because there are foods for every season and some even help with their color. Chlorella and Spirulina in particular are algae and are available in liquid and powder form which are excellent for a koi’s color.

Foods Not Made For Koi That You Can Feed Them

foods that koi fish eat

As discussed above regarding your leftovers, you can feed your koi foods that are not commercial or not specifically formulated for your koi. Some people may not be comfortable doing this and that is fine. If you are not comfortable doing this stick to the commercial foods.

I’ve heard of people feeding their koi dog foods, dog biscuits, and bird seeds. Again, you can blend or mash foods together such as eggs, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, honey, fruit, meat extracts, etc.

Scroll to the bottom of this article for an exhaustive list of foods you can or cannot feed your koi or just keep reading!

Mild peppers can be added to your food blends – they are good for color.

Spinach is rich in nutrients.

Carrots have a lot of beta carotene which is good for the koi’s color.

Seaweed is loaded with minerals.

Seafoods like lobster, crab, and shrimp can be blended.

Live Foods

You shouldn’t feed your koi wild-caught live foods so that you don’t risk contaminating your pond. You can get plenty of live foods from the closest koi dealer, or pet shop. You can raise your own live foods from cultures that you can also get from a pet shop or koi dealer.

Most of these foods are:

Worms – Earthworms, glass worms, blood worms, and tubifex. Always make sure they clean before feeding.

Daphnia – Best food for baby koi after they are hatched. They are crustaceans that you can buy from pet shops or breed yourself from cultures that you buy from a pet shop or koi dealer.

Mosquito Larvae – Small insects that skim the surface of the water and are attracted by plants.

Maggots – Fly Larvae – Not very nutritious but are included here because the koi enjoy eating them. Feed them every once in a while.

Tadpoles – Only from frogs, koi won’t eat tadpoles from toads. Frogs can be beneficial to koi ponds because they will eat insects that koi reject.

Shrimp – Can be purchased but may have to be broken down into smaller pieces if too big.

Locusts – Grasshoppers – Flies – Bred for reptiles but your koi will eat them as well. You can purchase them readily at pet stores.

Worms – Earthworms, bloodworms, glass worms, and tubifex worms. Readily available. Make sure they are clean before you toss them in, you don’t want your pond to get contaminated.

Water Lice – Not to be confused with hair lice. They live in the water and are for adult koi only.

Infusoria – A collection of microscopic organisms that are great for baby koi. You can also feed them to adult koi. You can purchase them or create your own colony in your koi pond to be eaten whenever the koi are hungry.

Treats For Your Koi

Oranges – Cut an orange into segments and toss it in. The koi will eat the insides of the orange and leave the skin to float so that you can remove it. Good Source of vitamin C.

Lettuce – Great for vitamins and minerals. Throw some shredded lettuce in first and later you can toss a whole head of lettuce in that the koi will nibble at as it floats around.

Minced Garlic


Whole Grain Bread

Any of these foods you toss in may make the water less clear at first so don’t be alarmed.

There are also natural supplements now offered to help boost the koi’s immune system or for general health.

Seasonal Feeding

Koi will eat a lot more food in the summer when they are more active. They will not eat as much in the winter when they are in a near hibernation state to survive the winter.

Feeding Koi in the Summer

what do koi fish eat in the summer

The food eaten during the summer helps with tissue and muscle growth, repair and maintenance, and fat storage to help get the koi through the winter. It is also used to produce eggs for spawning. Protein should be 30-35 percent of the diet since koi are more active.

Autumn – Spring – Winter

As the water temperature drops heading into winter, you can reduce the amount of food you feed your koi. They will require less food and you will be able to tell if they stop eating the food you are tossing in. Keep a close eye on them and don’t toss in more than they can eat.

During winter, protein should be only 25 percent of the diet since koi are less active.

How Much to Feed Your Koi

Adult koi are easy to maintain. When the temperature is highest in the summertime, you can still feed them up to five times per day.,but if you work, sometimes you can only feed them twice per day.

Your group of koi will swim fast and eat fast when you start tossing the food in. As their movements start to slow they are less hungry and will eat less. When they are moving really very slowly you can stop tossing food in.

During the winter in cold areas, you will probably only have to feed them once a day using the same principle as above. Experiment with a little bit of food to see if they will eat more than once per day.

Feeding for Iroage – Color

Feeding for color is not recommended because it is not natural. A koi’s color can only reach its full potential with a balanced diet. Trying to feed specifically for color is exaggerated and probably not healthy. If a koi’s color is not reaching its full potential then the diet is probably lacking the proper ratio or variety of foods.


This may seem overwhelming because there are so many foods that koi can eat but this actually makes it easier. You don’t have to stick to a strict diet.

Make sure the koi get 30 % protein – 65 % carbs – 5% fats in the summertime.

In the winter it changes to 25% protein – 70% carbs – 5% fats.

If you live somewhere that it is always warm stick to the summertime diet. Don’t overthink it. Just enjoy your koi.

Starting The Koi Hobby: A Step-By-Step Guide

Questions About Specific Foods Koi Can or Cannot Eat

Can Koi Fish Eat Goldfish Food?

Yes, koi can eat goldfish food. You can pretty much feed koi fish anything you can feed goldfish. They are both mostly derived from carp, so they have much of the same diet.

Can Koi Fish Eat Dog Food?

Yes, dog food is packed with protein. However, animal protein is not as digestible for koi as protein from fishmeal and soybeans. Koi enjoy a wide variety in their diet so you can feed them some dog food, but it is better for them to get their protein from fish food specifically formulated for koi.

Can Koi Fish Eat Bread?

Yes, but only as a treat. Koi eat a lot of human foods so think of a healthy human diet. Feed them bread as a treat to add variety to their diet, but you should stick to whole-grain bread or sprouted-grain bread. White bread is stripped of all the good vitamins. White bread is also high in refined sugars and carbohydrates – not the type of carbohydrates that are healthy for koi much less humans.

Can Koi Fish Eat Blueberries?

Yes, koi can eat blueberries. Fruit is full of carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. The peel is not easily digested and it is not practical to remove it so you may want to put them in the blender before you toss them in your koi pond.

Can Koi Fish Eat Cat Food?

Yes. Again, koi eat what people eat. Would you eat cat food? It is high in protein but as stated above koi do not digest animal protein as well as other proteins. You can feed them cat food as a treat to add variety to their diet, but they are better off getting their protein from fish food made specifically for koi.

Can Koi Fish Eat Watermelon?

Yes, koi can eat watermelon. Fruit is full of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. Cut the watermelon into small chunks and toss it into your koi pond to add variety to their diet.

Can Koi Fish Eat Bananas?

Yes, koi can eat bananas. Fruit is full of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. Take the peel off, smash the banana into a paste, and toss it onto your koi pond.

Can Koi Fish Eat Apple?

Yes, koi can eat apples. Apples are full of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. Peel the apple and take the seeds out. Cut the apple into small chunks and then dice the chunks into even smaller pieces. Koi have little mouths, so the chunks need to be small. The peel is removed because it is not easily digested by koi fish.

Can Koi Fish Eat Lettuce?

Yes, koi can eat lettuce. As mentioned earlier, throw some shredded lettuce in the pond every day for a week and then you can throw the whole head of lettuce into the pond. The koi will nibble at the lettuce a little bit whenever they are hungry. Romaine lettuce is the healthiest because it has a lot of minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Romaine lettuce is also low in sodium. Remember, if it is healthy for you to eat, it is most likely healthy for your koi fish to eat also.

Can Koi Fish Eat Mealworms?

Yes, koi fish can eat mealworms. You can buy them freeze-dried specifically for koi or you can buy them live. If you buy them live, you may have to cut their heads off so they don’t bite your koi. This can be a lot of work so I would just buy the freeze-dried mealworms. They are high in protein so I would mix them with other foods high in carbohydrates like vegetables and fruit.

Can Koi Fish Eat Cheerios?

Yes, koi can eat cereal so that includes Cheerios. It’s surprising how much a koi diet can be like a human’s. They are loaded with carbohydrates so Cheerios should be considered treats to be given only in moderation.

Can Koi Fish Eat Goldfish Flakes?

Yes, koi can eat goldfish flakes. Goldfish and koi are actually closely related so they can eat pretty much the same diet.

Can Koi Fish Eat Carrots?

Yes, they are very nutritious for koi. The beta carotene is good for their skin color just as it is for people. Carrots also have vitamin A, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Studies have proven that fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Carrots are also high in fiber.

Can Koi Fish Eat Algae?

Yes, koi fish will eat certain algae. String algae especially help keep algae growth under control in a koi pond. String algae have a lot of nutrients for koi, but it is better to keep algae out of your pond to make sure it doesn’t overtake your pond.

Can Koi Fish Eat Ammonia?

No, koi fish cannot eat ammonia. It is created from their body waste and is extremely toxic to koi fish, even at low levels.

Can Koi Fish Eat Bloodworms?

Yes, bloodworms are a great addition to your koi’s diet. They are more natural live food and add to the nutritious variety of a koi’s diet. Make sure any worms you feed your koi are completely clean.

Can Koi Fish Eat Betta Food?

Yes, koi can eat betta fish food. Betta fish food is too high in protein to use as part of their main diet. They can eat it very sparingly to add variety to their diet.

Can Koi Fish Eat Boiled Eggs?

Yes, koi can eat boiled eggs. As a matter of fact, you can blend some hard-boiled eggs with some of their pond water to make a liquidy egg paste to feed to baby koi. Some people call it an egg slurry and it is usually the main food people feed their baby koi.

Can Koi Eat Japanese Beetles?

Yes, koi can eat Japanese beetles. The Japanese beetle needs to be small enough to fit into the koi’s mouth so the koi will eat it. Some people feed the larvae of Japanese beetles to their koi.

Can Koi Fish Eat Corn?

No, koi shouldn’t eat corn. Corn is very high in carbohydrates. Koi need carbohydrates but certain foods, like corn, that are too high in carbohydrates are harder for koi to digest. Corn also has tough skin which makes it even harder for koi to digest.

Can Koi Fish Eat Cichlid Food?

Yes, koi can eat Chichlid food. Koi fish can eat cichlid food but only sparingly. You need to check the protein content. Cichlid food is too high in protein to be a regular part of a koi fish diet. Koi need a lot of protein but not as much as cichlids.

Can Koi Fish Eat Crackers?

Yes and No, koi can eat wheat crackers but not white crackers. White bread is way too high in carbohydrates which is the same as crackers. Too many carbohydrates in food make it too hard for koi fish to digest. Besides, when it comes to a koi diet and people’s food, think of your own diet. Whole-grain crackers would be a more viable option.

Can Koi Fish Eat Celery?

Yes, koi fish can eat celery. It is not very nutritious but is a good source of vitamin K. I wouldn’t use it as part of the main diet but every now and then mix it up as koi fish need a wide variety of foods.

Can Koi Fish Eat Cereal?

Yes, koi fish can eat cereal but only nutritious cereal. When feeding koi human food, ask if it is healthy for yourself. I wouldn’t feed my koi sugar puffs but something like Cheerios is more feasible.

Will Koi Fish Eat Algae?

Yes, koi fish will eat a lot of certain algae, especially string algae. Algae can be nutritious for koi but it is not wise to introduce algae into your koi pond.

Do Koi Fish Eat Avocado?

Yes, koi fish will eat avocado. Cut it into little chunks that will sink or leave some rind on the pieces and it will float. Remember with foods like these you should feed sparingly as a treat or to add variety to the koi diet, not as part of their daily diet.

Will Koi Eat a Goldfish?

Yes, but very rarely. Koi are usually happy to live with other smaller fish. They are omnivores so sometimes it happens and usually only if the koi are underfed. If underfed, the koi may panic and start eating anything they can grab.

Do Koi Fish Eat String Algae?

Yes, string algae are the favorite algae for koi fish to eat. It is not wise to introduce algae into your koi pond though with the risk that it could take over your pond.

Do Koi Fish Eat Duckweed?

Yes, duckweed is a favorite food of koi fish. It will be eaten fast so make sure it’s not the only food source that they have.

Do Koi Fish Eat Ducklings?

No, koi fish are passive fish. They usually get along with ducks or other animals that are in their pond. The parent of the duckling might try to eat the koi fish though.

Do Koi Fish Eat Dragonflies?

Yes, koi fish will eat dragonflies. They like this food a lot and will devour it quickly.

Will Koi Fish Eat Each Other?

No, adult koi fish will not eat each other but they will eat newly hatched babies. Koi will eat their eggs and even newly hatched baby koi until they are 1-2 centimeters. Once above 1-2 centimeters, the koi will not eat each other.

Do Koi Fish Eat Frog Eggs?

Yes, koi fish like to eat frog legs and tadpoles. They won’t eat toad eggs or tadpoles.

Do Koi Fish Eat Their Own Eggs?

Yes, koi fish will eat their own eggs. Koi will graze on their eggs the entire time they are in the pond and even eat their babies until they are 1-2 centimeters.

Can Koi Fish Eat Fruit?

Yes, koi fish will eat most fruits. They are full of vitamins and fiber. It is hard to get koi to try fruits for the first time but afterward, they love them. Make sure you cut them into small enough pieces to fit into their mouths or if possible leave the rind attached so the fruit will float.

Can Koi Fish Eat Frogs?

No, not really. Adult frogs are pretty safe with koi. Koi will eat frog eggs and frog tadpoles.

Can Koi Fish Eat Flakes?

Yes, koi eat fish flakes. There are many types of fish flake food designed specifically for koi fish.

Do Koi Fish Eat Frogs?

Yes, koi fish eat frog eggs and frog tadpoles. Adult frogs are safe with koi fish.

Do Koi Fish Eat Frog Spawn?

Yes, koi fish love to eat frog eggs and frog tadpoles.

Will Koi Fish Eat Flake Food?

Yes, koi fish will eat flake food. There are many great flake food formulas available for koi fish that offer a complete diet.

Can Koi Fish Eat Grapes?

Yes, koi love grapes. Grapes can help relax koi and boost their immune system. You may have to blend them or cut them into smaller chunks so the koi can fit them in their mouths.

Can Koi Fish Eat Goldfish?

Yes, koi fish can eat goldfish, but it rarely happens. Koi are normally happy to share their water with smaller fish. If the koi are underfed they may panic and start eating whatever they can get their fins on (no pun intended).

Can Koi Fish Eat Garlic?

Yes, koi love garlic. Garlic is nutritious and can boost the immune system. You may have to mince it into smaller chunks. Sometimes garlic is used to get koi to adapt to a new pond. Put some garlic on their food and they will munch away.

Can Koi Fish Eat Ghost Shrimp?

Yes, koi fish can eat ghost shrimp. They aren’t very nutritious so you’re better off choosing other foods over ghost shrimp. Ghost shrimp are better served as pets because of their ghostly appearance.

Do Koi Eat Goldfish?

No, if a koi fish eats a goldfish, it is very rare. Koi are normally happy to share their pond with other smaller fish. However, koi eat a lot of different foods and they are carnivores which means they eat meat. When koi are younger and the same size as goldfish they will be fine together. When koi are grown they may eat a smaller goldfish as they aren’t picky eaters but only if the koi are underfed.

Do Koi Fish Eat Guppies?

No, if a koi fish eats a guppie it is very rare. Koi fish are fine with guppies when koi are young, and they are close to the same size. Koi are omnivores so when they are grown they may eat a much smaller guppy but only if the koi are underfed.

Do Koi Fish Eat Hornwort?

Yes, koi fish like to eat hornwort. Hornwort is a good pond plant and usually grows back even after it is eaten. It is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin K and has some protein.

Can Koi Fish Eat Maggots?

Yes, koi fish can eat maggots which are fly larvae. They are not high in nutrition, so it is just another snack to rotate in your staple koi diet to maintain variety and keep your koi happy.

Can Koi Fish Eat Mango?

Yes, koi fish can eat mango. It should not be part of their staple diet, but it can be used as a treat to rotate in their diet to add variety and keep your koi happy.

Can Koi Fish Eat Meat?

Yes, koi fish can eat meat. They are omnivores which means they eat meat and plant-based foods. Koi get a lot of protein from meat.

Do Koi Fish Eat Mosquitoes?

Yes, koi eat meat. They will happily munch on mosquitos that land on their pond surface.

Do Koi Fish Eat Minnows?

No, not usually. Koi fish will generally leave minnows alone in the koi pond unless the koi are underfed during the warm summer months when they eat a lot. If the koi are underfed then they will panic and start eating minnows.

Do Koi Fish Eat Mollies?

Yes, koi fish will eat smaller mollies. If koi fish are underfed, they will panic and start eating smaller mollies. Larger mollies are generally safer as they may not fit into the koi’s mouth.

Can Koi Fish Eat Nuts?

Yes, koi fish can eat nuts. Peanuts are a great source of vegetable protein for koi. So are pine nuts. Make sure you crush the nuts first so they will fit into the koi’s mouths and will be digested more easily.

Can and Do Koi Fish Eat Newts?

Yes, if a newt will fit in the koi fish mouth then the koi will eat it. It is generally not a good idea to mix pets with koi that are smaller than the koi. The koi may leave the newt alone for some period of time but if the koi is ever underfed or overly hungry, the koi may panic and eat a newt if it is close by.

Will Koi Fish Eat Neon Tetras?

Yes, koi fish will eat neon tetras. Koi fish will usually leave other fish alone but if the koi are ever underfed or overly hungry they may devour a smaller fish since koi are omnivores. It is not a good idea to mix much smaller fish with koi unless they are well-fed.

Can Koi Fish Eat Oranges?

Yes, koi fish can eat oranges. They are a good source of vitamin C. Koi are omnivores like us so if it is good for us it is probably good for koi. Feed it to them as a treat every now and then to add variety to their diet. I wouldn’t make it a part of their staple diet.

Can Koi Fish Eat Oats?

Yes, koi can eat oats. Oats have a lot of fiber but don’t feed them too much. Koi only need about 4 percent of their diet to be fiber which helps with digestion.

Can Koi Fish Eat Other Fish?

Yes, koi fish can eat other fish. Koi fish will generally leave other fish alone in the koi pond unless they are underfed. If koi are underfed, they will panic and eat whatever will fit in their mouth. Sometimes this means other smaller fish.

Can Koi Fish Overeat?

Yes, koi fish can overeat. This is why you want to throw a little bit of food in at a time. They will move fast and eat rapidly when you first start tossing food in. As soon as their movements slow, you want to stop tossing food in.

Will Koi Fish Eat Other Goldfish?

Yes, koi will eat other goldfish. Koi will generally leave other fish alone in the pond unless they are underfed. If koi are underfed, they may panic and start eating whatever they can get. Sometimes this means other smaller fish.

Can Koi Fish Eat Peaches?

Yes, koi can eat peaches. They are full of carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins for your koi. Cut them into small pieces that will fit into your koi’s mouth and make sure they don’t get any remnants or parts of the peach pit.

Can Koi Fish Eat Peas?

Yes, koi fish can eat peas, but it is kind of pointless. They can eat them rarely and you would have to cook them, let them cool down, and remove the skins so that the peas don’t block their digestive tracts. There are plenty of other foods that koi can eat so why go through all of the trouble?

Can Koi Fish eat Popcorn?

They probably would eat popcorn, but I wouldn’t feed it to them. Whether it is popped or not, there are too many hard pieces in popcorn that could clog their digestive tracts. Usually, if we can eat it then koi can but popcorn is more difficult for a koi to digest.

Can Koi Fish Eat Pineapple?

Yes, koi can eat pineapple. They are full of carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins for your koi. Make sure you cut it into smaller chunks that can fit into their mouths. I would feed it to them every now and then as a treat and to add variety to their diet. I wouldn’t make it a part of their staple diet.

Can Koi Fish Eat Peanut Butter?

Yes, koi fish can eat peanut butter. Baby koi love peanut butter. It is a good source of vegetable protein.

Can Koi Fish Eat Pasta?

Yes, but only whole grain. If you are going to feed your koi pasta, make sure it is whole grain and feed it to them as a treat. Make sure any pasta or bread doesn’t have any white flour at all because it can kill your koi fish.

Do Koi Fish Eat Plants?

Yes, koi fish eat plants. They are omnivores which means they eat both meat and plants. They can get protein and carbohydrates from plants. Just remember the best diet for a koi fish is to mimic their natural diet so freshwater plants would be the best to feed them. A daily diet of koi pellets with some added treats for variety would be best.

What Do Koi Eat Naturally?

Koi fish are not picky eaters. They will eat insects, plants, algae, and people food. Almost any natural food, the koi will eat. This doesn’t mean they should though, so make sure you feed them a good daily amount of koi pellets that are specifically formulated for koi. Most of the other foods are just treats to add variety to their diet. As far as treats, koi fish like anything that we like. However, consider what we think to be healthy as healthy for koi except for certain foods that aren’t healthy for us either. Ask yourself before you feed your koi something, is it healthy for me?

Can Koi Fish Eat Chicken?

Yes, koi fish can eat chicken. Chicken has lots of lean protein. However, it is not meat they would naturally find in freshwater, so feed it to them as a treat every now and then.

Can Koi Fish Eat Rice?

Yes, koi can eat rice. Like bread and pasta, it should be wild or brown rice instead of white rice. Remember, koi can’t have too many carbohydrates, so it is better to feed them rice as a treat rather than their staple diet.

Can Koi Fish Eat Raspberries?

Yes, koi fish can eat raspberries. Raspberries are high in vitamin C which can boost your koi’s immune system. They also have a lot of fiber to aid in digestion. Remember, if the food is good for you, it is probably good for your koi. Feed foods like these as treats, maybe once a week, not as part of their daily diet. It is best to use koi pellets for the main food. Koi pellets are specifically formulated for koi fish.

Can Koi Fish Eat Regular Fish Food?

Yes, koi fish can eat regular fish food but not as a regular diet. Fish foods are specifically formulated for the diets of certain fish. Koi are better off with fish food specifically formulated for

Can Koi Fish Eat Spinach?

Yes, koi fish can eat spinach. Spinach has a lot of antioxidants and vitamin C. Remember, if it is healthy for you, it is probably healthy for your koi fish. Remember to feed human foods not in the koi’s natural freshwater environment as treats and not part of their staple diet of koi pellets or formulated koi fish food.

Can Koi Fish Eat Strawberries?

Yes, koi fish can eat strawberries. They are also high in vitamin C for energy and the immune system. Berries are also a great source of antioxidants. Cut them into smaller chunks for your koi so the strawberries will fit in their mouths and they should be fed as a treat, not daily.

Can Koi Fish Eat Squash?

Yes, koi fish can eat squash. Slice them lengthwise into strips and hang them in your pond. The koi fish will nibble at each end instead of swallowing them whole. Squash has more potassium than bananas. Remember, feed foods like squash as a treat, not daily.

Can Koi Fish Eat Slugs?

Yes, koi fish can eat slugs. Make sure you feed them organic slugs or slugs caught in the wild. When you feed slugs, make sure they are very clean before putting them in your pond to keep foreign contaminants out.

Can Koi Fish Eat Sunflower Seeds?

No, koi can not eat sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds don’t have enough nutritional value to overtake the risk of feeding them to koi. Sunflower seeds are hard, so they can be hard for your koi to digest.

Can Koi Fish Eat Shrimp?

Yes, koi love to eat shrimp. Shrimp contains Astaxanthin and are very nutritious. Shrimp in the koi diet helps improve their color if it is red. If the koi are large they will eat the shrimp whole, or you can cut the shrimp into smaller pieces.

Do Koi Fish Eat Snails?

Yes, koi fish love to eat snails. If you feed your koi snails only feed them as a treat and not a part of their staple diet.

Can Koi Fish Eat Tomatoes?

Yes, koi can eat tomatoes. When you are feeding your koi if it’s healthy for you it’s healthy for them. Consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables gives healthy skin, and more energy, lowers weight, and lengthens the lifespan. Remember to keep a daily diet of koi pellets and only feed foods like tomatoes as a treat.

Can Koi Fish Eat Tropical Flakes?

Yes, koi fish can eat tropical fish flakes. Tropical fish flakes should not be a part of their staple diet. Koi should have koi pellets daily with some added treats once or twice per week.

Can Koi Fish Eat Turtle Food?

Yes, koi fish can eat turtle food. Koi and turtles have a lot of overlap in similarities between their diets. However, it is best to feed koi a staple diet of koi pellets every day and to feed your koi treats at least once a week to keep variety in their diet.

Can Koi Fish Eat Tetras?

Yes, koi fish can eat tetras. Koi will generally leave other fish in the pond alone unless they are underfed or starving for another reason. If so, they will panic and start to eat whatever they can find. Since koi are omnivores, sometimes this means a smaller fish.

Do Koi Fish Eat Tadpoles?

Yes, koi fish love to eat frog tadpoles. They will not eat toad tadpoles as they are toxic to koi fish.

Do Koi Fish Eat Their Babies?

Yes, koi fish will eat their babies. Until they are 1-2 centimeters koi fill will eat the babies. They will also eat their own eggs. This is why koi are kept separate from their babies and eggs until the babies are big enough.

Do Koi Fish Eat Vegetables?

Yes, koi eat plenty of vegetables. Vegetables are very nutritious for them. Any time you feed koi vegetables, you need to remove the hard outer skin, usually by boiling and then peeling the skin off. Corn and peas are too much work to remove the skin, so it is pointless to feed them these vegetables.

Can Koi Fish Eat Wheat Germ?

Yes, koi fish can eat wheat germ. Wheat germ is good for koi especially in the wintertime when they are less active. Wheat germ is lower in protein and koi fish don’t need as much protein in the winter when they are less active. It is also easier to digest in the winter when koi fish have a harder time digesting food. Wheat germ also keeps ammonia down in the winter which is toxic to the koi pond.

Can Koi Fish Eat Earthworms?

Yes, koi can eat earthworms. They have a lot of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, and essential amino acids. Also, earthworms are a more natural food from freshwater environments that koi can eat whenever you want to feed to them.

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Pet Aquariums

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