Here are the strange history and weird characteristics of the incredible white albino axolotls. How did she come into being– why is she so amazing, is she totally blind– and how much does she cost? Tune in– and find out!”
The axolotl is a salamander– a species that has wriggled through the mud for 300 million years!
Her natural habitat is Lake Xochimilco in the north of Mexico. Her name is derived from Xolotl– twin brother of creator God Quetzalcóatl! He transformed himself into an axolotl– and hid in marshland– but couldn’t escape his Fate.
His enemies sacrificed him to the gods of the Sun and the Moon so that he could give them life.
Few axolotls have survived in a state of Nature, but thousands of them have been bred in laboratories– most of them originating from a single group of 34 that French scientists captured in 1863 and brought to Paris.
The albino axolotl has evolved in the wild and has been reproduced in laboratories by cross-breeding axolotls with an albino tiger salamander– using nuclear transplantation and gonadal grafts to create these hybrids.
Scientists have studied the axolotl in detail because they provide clues to tissue repair, cell development, and cancer. The axolotl is unique because she can regenerate– she can grow back her tail, limb, nervous system, eyes, heart, and even her brain! She can perform this miracle because she is an eternal larva– an embryo that can miraculously reproduce.
Albino axolotls are in turn unique among axolotls– the most unique of all species– because they have hardly any color at all. The absence of melanin makes them light pink, pale yellow, cream, or white– even their little eyes are pinkish!
She has cute small legs, tiny feet, a long flowing tail, and soulful eyes– no wonder we love you so much!
No, the albino axolotls are not totally blind– they are partially blind and have lidless eyes. They can see certain colors, but their vision is blurry.
Do you wish you could adopt one of these sweet babies? Don’t worry– they are not expensive! The price of white albino axolotls can be anywhere from $40 to $240.
So, hopefully, all this has aroused your curiosity about this eternal embryo– her pale body and soulful eyes– and her miraculous ability to regenerate herself and come back from the Dead!
Here is your big chance to learn more about her origins in Nature and legend, her unique characteristics as a supernatural being and loveable pet– and how much to pay if you want one for your very own!” “”””
The origins of the axolotls can be traced back to the giant salamanders that roamed the Earth 300 million years ago. There are two types of tiger salamander– paedomorphic and metamorphic tiger salamanders– both of which reproduce in aquatic habitats in the central highlands of Mexico. Paedomorphic salamanders such as the axolotl do not lose their gills— like Peter Pan, they never truly grow up!”
These eternally young axolotls flourished in Lake Texcoco at the time of the Mexica or Aztecs. The Aztecs built an island settlement and a canal system there a thousand years ago. Heavy metals and raw sewage are wiping them– and Nature– out!
The axolotls have also suffered from the gruesome experiments– the sadistic amputations and weird genetic mutations– that scientists have inflicted on them since these beautiful salamanders were captured and dragged to Paris in 1863. The albino axolotl is a product both of Nature and of Science– but inbreeding is wiping them out too!
The axolotl is a neotenic amphibian– unlike related species, she does not metamorphose into a salamander– she stays forever young! She can grow to about 20-30 cm and survive about 10-12 years in captivity. In the wild, she can live up to six years at most!
The albino axolotl has a white or pink body, clear or pink eyes, and bright red gills. She does not develop freckles or pigments.
The color of axolotls depends upon pigment cells– melanophores (darker pigments), xanthophores (yellow and red pigments), and iridophores (shiny iridescence). Each cell has 14 chromosomes– and each characteristic is based on a pair of chromosomes or alleles— so axolotls that have one albino allele and one normal allele are not albino.
The white albino axolotl needs two copies of the albino allele in order to become albino. Her genotype is d/d a/a.
Reproduction and Breeding
The axolotl lays between 150 and 450 eggs– white albinos lay white eggs. Just don’t disturb her while she is laying! Her eggs hatch best at a temperature of around 68°F. The white albino embryos start to move, spin, twitch and hatch after around 17 days. How exciting is that!
The adult albino axolotl ranges from six to nine inches or 20 centimeters. They are shy and prefer a hideout. Especially if there’s a lot of commotion going on in a room. But they will come out to eat!
Their diet consists completely of insects. They eat frozen blood worms and midge larvae. These are available at a local pet shop or online.
Remember to put their food close to them– and to feed them at the exact same time every day– because the white albino axolotl struggles to see!
Your pet quickly gets into a schedule– knowing exactly where to look for her delicious wriggly worms!
Because of their sensitive eyes, bright light can cause them stress and even damage their eyes. They need standard to low lighting.
They shouldn’t be handled. They are very scared of pretty much everything. It won’t do them well if you try and touch them.
So are they blind?
No, but like we said before, their vision is blurry!
Are they unique?
These cute white albino axolotls regenerate and never grow up!
Are Axolotls expensive?
This supernatural being costs anything from $40 to $240. It depends on the breeder or your location. Larger commercial breeders charge less.