A large koi pond with a Koi Pond Water Fall in teh middle surrounded by green trees and water lilie plants on pet aqauriums

Do Koi Fish Need an Air Pump? Only if You Want Them to Live.

6 min read

Koi fish are a type of colored Amur carp also called Cyprinus rubrofuscos.

Starting The Koi Hobby: A Step By Step Guide…

Unique and shiny, they are the preferred fish for decorative ponds and water gardens. Koi are the result of long and consistent breeding selection in Japan and China. They inhabit neutral waters with pH 7-7, 5 and temperature between 10-24 degrees Celsius. ”

An interesting fact is that these fish carry an important meaning in traditional Chinese and Japanese cultures, as the breed is closely associated with the countries’ national identities and is a symbol of luck, prosperity and good fortune.

If you are planning to build a decorative pond or a water garden and you are considering inhabiting the water with koi fish, then you need to bear in mind several factors. Among the most important questions is, do koi fish need an air pump?

Yes, koi fish need an air pump. Without an air pump the fish cannot survive. Koi require an active oxygen supply to live and without an air pump or a waterfall running they will quickly consume the oxygen in the pond and die!”

Colorfulkoifishairpump PetAquariums Do Koi Fish Need an Air Pump? Only if You Want Them to Live.
Colorful Koi Fish Need An Air Pump to Survive
Source: Pikist

A decorative pond is not like a naturally formed river, for example. In nature, oxygen is generated by the natural movement of the water through streams, waves and waterfalls, which creates a balance between O2 and CO2.

However, this is not the case with artificially created water basins. Other ways to provide oxygen include installing fountains and incorporating plants. “

Taking care of koi fish requires some further details. Let’s take a look!


Yes, they do. Koi fish absolutely need an air pump to survive. “Before you buy the fish and inhabit your pond, make sure you are familiar with the necessary requirements for their survival. Prepare in advance and purchase all the equipment.

TetraPondAirPumpKit PetAquariums Do Koi Fish Need an Air Pump? Only if You Want Them to Live.
Tetra Pond Air Pump Kit


Without an air pump, koi fish can survive from a couple of hours to several days depending on the levels of oxygen. If the levels are at their lowest, the fish dies immediately.”

The fish require at least 6 parts per million (ppm) of dissolved oxygen (the oxygen generated through the movement of water and supply of air through the outside environment).

If the level is lower, the fish become stressed and lose their appetite. They can also become lethargic. If the oxygen level falls below 3ppm, then the fish suffocate and die.

The most recommended oxygen levels for koi fish is 8ppm and it will survive as long as it does not fall below 6ppm.

Anything below this can affect the normal fish growth, become deformed and be more susceptible to illness and diseases.”

The more precise length of survival of koi fish without proper oxygen dissolving depends on a couple of factors which are:

1. Water temperature.


2. Water movement.

Warmer water holds less dissolved oxygen than colder water. Cold water has more water molecules that are gathered closely together and thus making it more difficult for the oxygen to ‘escape’!”

That is why the required temperature for koi is not too warm —“ between 10 and 24 degrees Celsius. For example, water of 29 degrees Celsius holds around 6 to 7 ppm oxygen, while that of 21 degrees Celsius holds 8-9ppm.

In addition, water that moves has more surface area than still water and thus holds more oxygen.

For example, if there is a waterfall or the water splashes into a rock, it picks up oxygen molecules from the air and carries it down to the water. The pump and the air line work the same way.

Using an air pump is also called filtration. Simply put, a pump pulls air, pushes it through a filter and returns it back to the pond. The return ensures the supply of oxygen in the water aka provides oxygenation.”

This is a substitute for the natural movement of water that happens in the environment through streams, waves or waterfalls.

The air pump for ponds is called a pond oxygenator. It is different than aquarium pumps, so make sure you ask for the right type when buying. Generally, it consists of a box with a pump and a cable-looking air line.

The pump sucks in water from the air, transfers it to the air line and is released into the water. Pumps can also vary in sizes, depending on your pond.

The end result of the pump working is seeing lots of bubbles coming out of the air line.”


You can take additional steps to help your fish survive! Let your koi thrive and make your pond look beautiful and tranquil by considering a few more details!

1. Install Fountains and Waterfalls.

Apart from adding sophistication to your pond design, a fountain or a waterfall can help the circulation of water and its oxygenation.

As already mentioned, water movement increases oxygen supply by expanding the water surface area. Besides, your pond or garden will look much prettier.

KoiPondWaterFall PetAquariums Do Koi Fish Need an Air Pump? Only if You Want Them to Live.
Installing waterfalls or fountains is a great way to create bigger water surface.
Source: Pikist

2. Incorporate Plants.

Think of a way to best submerge plants into your pond. It is a fantastic and completely natural, and harmless way to both add dissolved oxygen and filter the water of unnecessary nutrients and pollutants.

Moreover, the inhabitants of the pond will feel in a more natural habitat and have a natural shelter. Consider various types of plants such as:

  • native submerged
  • floating
  • marginal
  • bog plants
WaterLillies PetAquariums Do Koi Fish Need an Air Pump? Only if You Want Them to Live.
Incorporating plants such as water lilies can boost oxygen supply and filter the water. Source: Pikist

3. Control the Water Temperature.

As already mentioned, cold water keeps oxygen for longer. Think of ways for shading the pond. Ideally shade no more than 40% of its overall scale. Remember that health and happiness are about balance.

Shade just enough as to not deprive the plants and any microorganisms from much needed sunlight and at the same time cool down enough as to keep the oxygen levels proper!

4. Be Prepared for Emergencies!

Finally, be prepared for emergencies!

Power outages or pump failures do happen. Always have short-term solutions. Just don’t forget that they are short-term!

Water changes can help for a quick aeration of the water just like any movement.

As a last resort you can use water tablets. They contain hydrogen peroxide and sodium compounds that dissolve and create bubbles (movement therefore oxygen).

However, if used regularly they can lead to poor water quality, burn the fish, bleach fish eggs and possibly kill beneficial bacteria.

5. Some More Tips.

You can do a few more things to prevent oxygen deprivation in your pond. Try to limit the use of fertilizers and chemicals near your pond. They can damage the waters quality such as the pH. Fertilizer can also boost the growth of algae and bacteria which will deplete oxygen.

To sum it up, if you are thinking of filling your dream pond with colorful koi fish, keep a couple of things in mind!”

Koi fish do need an air pump to survive.

Oxygen is vital for all fish. In nature, water movement created by waves, splashing into rocks, waterfalls, and streams, is responsible for big water surface.

This means that the water gets its oxygen from the air and there are always enough molecules to supply the fish with this vital life element.

However, a pond is still. The water does not move on its own and it needs to be ‘assisted’.

An air water pump is a device that takes oxygen and places it in the water with the help of an air line. Thus, constant oxygen flow is ensured for the fish.

Other tricks you can apply to help your fish thrive are installing fountains and waterfalls, incorporating different kinds of plants, controlling the water temperature through shading and always being prepared for emergencies such as power outages and pump failures.

In addition, avoid using fertilizers around the pond, as well as chemicals. They can interfere with the quality of water and provide a good environment for alga and harmful bacteria. Remember balance is health!

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Pet Aquariums

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