Koi Pond filled with koi fish with a small waterfall and a seating area to watch the koi

Do Koi Fish Need A Bubbler? Keep Your Koi Fish Happy.

6 min read


In order to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, fish need to inhabit water that moves constantly.

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In nature this happens through currents, waves, water splashing into stones, waterfalls, bubbles and any other movement that is created naturally. Simply put, the water picks up oxygen particles from the air and brings them back into the water. Thus, a water-oxygen cycle is created, and fish get enough oxygen to survive.


Aquariums and ponds are artificial water basins that lack the natural supply of moving waters and, thus, the inhabitants can suffer from oxygen deprivation. Koi fish are usually the preferred choice for decorative ponds. When starting out building one many questions arise, regarding the well-being of the fish. One of them is do koi fish need a bubbler? It is highly recommendable to install a bubbler. Your pond should have at least one installation that provides movement – an air pump, a waterfall, or a bubbler. Moreover, a bubbler has further application than providing oxygen circulation: it prevents the overgrowth of algae. Left unchecked, algae can be destructive, if not under control and your pond can turn into a swamp. A bubbler in a pond ensures the algae spores are distributed to deeper water where they are deprived of sunlight and, thus, growth is controlled. Koi fish do not need a bubbler themselves to survive (air pump and a waterfall are enough) but the device helps keep the pond clean and healthy. The overgrowth of algae can be fatal for a pond’s inhabitants.

Do Koi Fish Need a Bubbler?

Koi fish do not necessarily need a bubbler themselves to survive but the installation has other applications such as cleansing the water and keeping algae growth under control. Leaving your pond slowly turn into a swamp is certainly fatal for koi fish.”

Like any other fish, koi fish need water movement that provides oxygen, which enters the water. Since installations such as aquariums or ponds do not have a natural water-oxygen exchange, then artificial installations are necessary. Oxygen provisions in nature happen in several ways such as:

  • Occurrence of waves
  • Presence of a waterfall
  • Natural movement of water through streams
  • Water splashing onto stones or hitting shores

To best explain, when the water moves it picks up oxygen particles from the air and brings them back in. In this way, fish have enough oxygen to thrive and survive.

Can Koi Fish Survive Without a Bubbler?

Koi fish themselves can survive without a bubbler. However, the water needs aeration.” As described, fish get their oxygen from the natural movement of water. A pond is still; therefore additional installations are required such as an air pump. Koi fish do need an air pump as their main source of oxygen. The pump ‘inhales’ oxygen from the air and ‘exhales’ it back into the water. Apart from providing constant flow of oxygen, the end result is also seeing bubbles being produced during the process. However, this is not the same as a bubbler – a bubbler does just that: it makes bubbles and gives water dynamics but in itself does not provide oxygen.

Why is a Bubbler Necessary Then?

A bubbler works for two processes that are necessary for koi fish to survive:

1. Water Aeration.

Water aeration is the process of gas exchange. The more the water moves, the more oxygen enters it. A bubbler provides water movement, which contributes to the oxygen levels and the survival of koi fish. Unlike an air pump, however, it does not provide oxygen directly. The movement of water does so. Bubbles gradually rise towards the surface and at the same time the water moves with them. Sometimes, bubblers are installed at the end of the air pump. It is no coincidence that all aquariums have bubbles coming out from one end.

Also, some fish really enjoy them and bubbles can give additional aesthetics to your decorations!” In smaller ponds bubbles could be heard sometimes and the effect can be soothing, similar to a fountain sound or water streams.

2. Water Cleansing.

  • Toxins and Leeches

Ponds are a big and spacious water construction and it is more difficult to keep them clean. The bigger a pond is the more necessary a bubbler becomes. Clear water means healthy water and healthy fish! Bubblers help clean water, keeping it free from toxins. “A successful and exemplary pond means one that is clean and odor free as much as possible. A bubbler helps for the maintenance of healthy aquatic life and keeps the water clear and fresh. “It is possible that without any bubbler system whatsoever, a pond can become mucky and oxygen deprived very quickly.

Such waters eventually turn to a fruitful habitat for leeches. Once this happens, the health of the koi fish becomes much endangered. If no measures are taken on time, swamp-like waters can be deadly for the aquatic inhabitants.

  • Algae Control

Together with leeches, lack of bubbles can also lead to unregulated growth of algae. Alga is a simple and non-flowering aquatic plant that includes seaweeds. It contains chlorophyll and lacks stems, roots, leaves and vascular tissues. It spreads fast and forms colonies. If left uncontrolled in a pond, it can quickly ‘invade’ the environment and disturb the delicate balance between water, oxygen and fish. It spreads fast and eventually the algae start to compete for the nutrients contained in the water. The final result is a swamp instead of a pond, which is deadly for the koi fish and any other water inhabitants. The bubbles push the algae closer to the bottom of the pond, thus depriving them from sunlight. The algae have less light and less time to get established.

  • Reduces the Number of Insects

Together with water plants, a bubbler helps reduce the population of insects that might try to hatch around. As it keeps the water moving, it prevents mosquitoes from developing their eggs in the water.

  • Reduces Hot Weather Issues

In addition, a bubbler reduces problems caused by hot weather and prevents the occurrence of bad odors. It ensures the water mixes itself, which prevents it from becoming stagnant. Without that, the water can eventually develop a rotten egg smell. Something similar to stale air when you don’t open a window for too long and there is no natural air exchange.

Stagnancy can also be a result of hot weather. During summer, the upper levels become much warmer easily, while the lower ones remain cool. Then, oxygen levels drop (cool water retains oxygen easier and for longer) and if warm and cool waters are not mixed, the water becomes stagnant. Bubbles make sure there is constant exchange of water layers inside the pond.


The health of koi fish depends on the delicate balance between water, oxygen and movement. The Japanese fish do not need a bubbler themselves to survive. However, the installation provides several services, whose absence can be fatal for the fish.

It provides water aeration. This is the oxygen that enters the water and is vital for the fish’s life. Bubbles helps the still waters of a pond move and thus pick up oxygen from the air.

A bubbler cleanses the water. Movement prevents the formation of leeches and swamp-like waters. Koi fish are not able to survive in such contaminated environment.

The system also prevents uncontrolled algae growth. Left unchecked, algae can invade the water and turn it into a swamp. Bubbles push the algae towards the lower levels of the pond, thus depriving the plant from access to sunlight.

Furthermore, bubbles help the exchange of water layers. The mix of warm and cold water is important for the oxygen balance in the pond. Also, it reduces the number of insects that can hatch on the water surface.

To make a long story short, all of the functions listed are vital for the survival of koi fish.

Written by:

Pet Aquariums

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